Men’s Health

General Check / NCT
Although your are very unlikely to be seriously ill in any way, its good to get checked if you are feeling unwell for prolonged periods of time. There are a couple of easily treated conditions common in Ireland such as Coeliac disease and Haemachromatosis. We can check for these and offer a medical check to suit any concerns or worries you might have. Peace of mind is a wonderful thing.

Cancer Screening / Testicular Cancer / Skin Cancer  

Testicular Cancer
Every teenager should learn how to examine himself and get into the routine of doing so every month. It is nothing to be embarrassed about and any of us can quickly demonstrate the technique and give you your first exam at the same time. Alternatively, teach yourself by looking up for instruction or for a more irreverent approach.

Skin Cancer
It is hard to imagine but about 100 people die from melanoma in Ireland every year. Typical Irish skin is very susceptible to sunburn and EV damage but anyone can get skin cancer. Always use Factor 50 UV block and look up , ‘Sunsmart’, for good advice. If you have any moles/freckles which bleed, itch, change shape or grow rapidly book into see one of us for a mole check urgently.

Young Men’s Health
We know that you do not need to see the doctor regularly for ill health but if there is anything nagging away at you, do book in to see one of us. Outlined below are some of the services that we offer here in Cabra Medical Centre and other online resources that you may find helpful.

Sexual Health and Sexuality
We offer an open, non-judgmental approach to sexual health. Sexually Transmitted Infections are a reality in today’s world and full screening and treatment can be offered through our surgery in a fully confidential manner. If you would feel more comfortable, there are free walk-in clinics in the Mater Hospital, Dublin 7, open daily 9am to 5pm, telephone 01 803 2063 (or go to, sexually transmitted disease clinic) and in St James’ Hospital, Dublin 8, Monday mornings and Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. Dealing with sexual issues and your own evolving sexuality can be very challenging. There are excellent resources available through covering all aspects of modern sexuality in an informal way. If you are struggling with your sexual orientation there is excellent support available through and many other organizations. If this aspect of your life is causing you to feel bad about yourself or depressed please come and talk to one of us. We will be able to help you.
For more details visit:

Erectile Dysfunction

Cardiovascular Screening

Mental Health
It is normal to feel down sometimes. If you feel down or depressed everyday, for a few weeks or more, it is a good idea to talk with someone. Other signs that you may be stressed are poor sleep, poor memory and concentration. It is much better to engage with these things early and most mood problems can be sorted out with talking therapies. We will not just put you on tablets. There are other ways to make sure that your mental health is good. Websites such as are especially designed for young people with mental health worries including depression, anxiety, panic attacks, agoraphobia and other phobias. Great advice is also available through, and other websites. Talking always helps in these situations and our door is always open to you for advice. We will not ever judge you and everything is totally confidential.

Sports Medicine and Sports Injuries
Whether you are on the county panel or playing for your local team, you may occasionally get injuries that just will not settle down. We recommend a review and can arrange appropriate investigations and treatment and can refer on to sport specialists and physiotherapists if necessary.

Travel Medicine and Vaccinations
If you are planning an overseas trip to anywhere hot, tropical, exciting or slightly dangerous you will almost certainly need vaccine jabs. Some vaccinations require months to kick in and others need boosters before you leave so get in touch as soon as you book your flights to ensure everything can be arranged for you in a timely fashion. Many countries require proof of vaccination at Customs and people are routinely denied entry into countries on this basis. Malaria is another unpleasant and life-threatening disease that you will want to avoid if you are going to the Tropics, even for a short trip. Preventative medicine can be prescribed by any of the doctors.

Acne and Skin Problems
Acne and most skin conditions respond well to treatments. Acne in particular is a common and very treatable skin problem. Lots of your friends may already be using prescribed gels and creams with great results. Even the most difficult acne will normally respond to one of the available medicines within a few months so if your spots are bothering you, why not book an appointment and we can get you started on treatment if you need it.

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