General Medical Services

Acute Illness
We provide a holistic approach to healthcare. When you visit us we look at the physical, mental and psychological reasons for the symptoms you are experiencing. Our diagnosis is holistic, looking at all aspects of your life before we prescribe a solution.

The following is a list of some of the services we provide.
Suitability for these services will be advised during a regular consultation by one of the doctors.
If you have any queries regarding any of our services please do not hesitate to contact the surgery.

Blood Tests

Electro Cardio Graph (ECG)

Minor Dressings / Surgical Procedures

Arthritis Medicine

Joint Injections

Ear Syringing


Asthma Clinic

24 HR Blood Pressure Monitor
This gives a recording of your blood pressure over a 24 hour period allowing your doctor to get a more accurate assessment of your blood pressure.

Adult Vaccinations | Childhood Immunisation | Flu Vaccine
We are approved by the HSE to administer all childhood primary vaccinations.

Travel Vaccines
We offer a comprehensive pre-travel health check, vaccination and travel advice service.
We are also a registered Yellow Fever Vaccination Centre.

Addiction Therapy
Smoking | Alcohol | Drugs | Gambling

Family Planning
All doctors can provide contraception advice and prescriptions for The Pill and Depo-provera.
We also provide the Morning After Pill.

Dietary & Nutrition Advice
Online BMI Test
Weight Management

Occupational Health
General Health & Fitness
Smoking Cessation Clinic
Counselling / Stress Management
Driving Fitness Test
Pre-Employment Medical
Executive Medical Screening
Driving / Insurance Medicals

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